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« Taking Advantage of Autodesk Docs on Your Next Civil Infrastructure Project | Main | Managing Civil 3D Projects in the Cloud - Pt 1 - Project Creation »



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Tiago Caldeira

What would you say are the best practices for setting up Data Shortcuts in Autodesk Docs environment?

1-Where should the [Working Folder] be located?
2-Should source files really reside within the [Data Shortcut Project] or can they be placed outside the [Working Folder]?
3-What permission configuration should setup for data shortcut folders?

I would highly appreciate some light shed on this topic. Thank you.

Jeff Bartels

Hi Tiago Hosting the live Civil 3D models in the cloud requires a purchase of the Design Collaboration module. (BIM Collaborate Pro is specifically what you would need.) For more information on how Civil 3D models can be hosted in the cloud, please take a look at this playlist - The recordings will help you understand the differences of how data shortcuts and source files are managed in the cloud as compared to a local server. Hope this helps!!

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